IonCleanse Foot Bath ™
Not all footbaths are created equal. The IonCleanse® Premier is a professional grade system that purifies and cleanses the body through the healing power of ions. The footbaths produce an abundance of the same kind of beneficial ions that you breathe on the beach or near a waterfall.
In combination with other forms of detoxification processes such as ELT, dry brushing, deep breathing, reducing stress and consuming nutrient rich food and enzymes, these are an effective way to reduce toxins and increase energy resources.
What to Expect!
Healthy individuals typically describe feeling “lighter” and more energized. Most experience a greater feeling of well being as they continue regular sessions.
- Your feet are placed in a lined tub of warm/hot water (depending on your tolerance) along with the IonCleanse array
- You may read, talk, or meditate during your session
- Meditation has shown to increase the effectiveness
- Sessions can last up to 45 minutes, depending on your specific requirements
- Once completed, your feet are rinsed and dried
Excerpts from:
Ionization Therapy:
Modern Technology Applied to an Ancient Problem
““Think of everything as water. The air we breathe is water, we are seventy-percent water, the food we eat and of course the water we drink and shower in. The toxins in your body are the same as the toxins in mine, only the proportion and locations are different. My body may have a better functioning lymph system than yours, but your kidneys may function better than mine. You will probably accumulate more lymphatic material, while I will accumulate material that is attracted to the kidney area of the body. The ionized water color in Boise, Idaho is light green because of the kinds of chemicals used in that area. I noticed that many of the people I treated there complained of physical problems relating to the lower abdominal area.
“The stronger you are, the more you release, and the more treatments you do, the more you release.””-
Those who should avoid using IonCleanse include:
Anyone with a pacemaker
Anyone taking blood thinners
Anyone taking seizure medications
Anyone taking heart regulating medications
Anyone taking psychotropic or anxiety medications
Organ transplants recipients
Pregnant or nursing women